Understanding Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage is critical to providing comprehensive healthcare benefits to Americans. With America approaching a demographic turning point, this has become even more important. Learn more about the unique aspects of Medicare Advantage and navigate to additional resources below.

What is Medicare Advantage?

For over 20 years, the Medicare Advantage program has been integral to the Medicare guarantee, offering choices and meeting the comprehensive healthcare needs of American seniors. Under this public-private partnership, plans must cover the same services as fee-for-service Medicare. The savings generated through care coordination are reinvested into lowering beneficiaries’ premiums and out-of-pocket costs and providing supplemental benefits such as dental, vision, hearing, meals, and transportation. Medicare Advantage premiums are at a 17-year low of $17/month1. With a limit on out-of-pocket costs and often Part D prescription drug coverage included, MA plans deliver cost-effective, high-quality coverage for today’s seniors–while covering all services provided under FFS Medicare. 


1. CMS, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Programs to Remain Stable as CMS Implements Improvements to the Programs in 2025, September 2024. Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Programs to Remain Stable as CMS Implements Improvements to the Programs in 2025


More Supplemental Benefits

In addition to covering the same services as fee-for-service Medicare, nearly all Medicare Advantage (MA) plans provide supplemental benefits, such as dental, vision, hearing, meals, and transportation. The percentage of plans offering such types of benefits has generally increased over the years1. In 2025, 99% of individual MA plans are offering vision coverage, 98% are offering dental coverage, and more than 97% are offering hearing exams and/or hearing aids2.  Additionally, 65% of individual MA plans are offering a meal benefit and 30% are offering transportation services3. In 2024, all Humana Special Needs Plans (SNPs) included dental, vision, and hearing benefits4: this will benefit people with chronic conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disorders, as well as those who are dual eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. A growing body of research suggests factors related to social determinants of health (such as lack of access to healthy food3, housing, transportation4) have a profound impact on health outcomes. Supplemental benefits under MA can help reduce health-related disparities.

1. Avalere, Analysis of Medicare Advantage Enrollee Demographics, Utilization, Spending, and Quality Compared to Fee-for-Service Medicare Among Enrollees with Chronic Conditions, June 2023. https://avalere.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/MA-FFS-Report.pdf 

2. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Advantage 2025 Spotlight: A First Look at Plan Premiums and Benefits,” 2024. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-2025-spotlight-a-first-look-at-plan-premiums-and-benefits/

3. Ibid

4. Humana, “Humana’s 2024 Medicare Advantage Health Plan Offerings Designed With Affordability, Customer Feedback in Mind,” 2023. Humana’s 2024 Medicare Advantage Health Plan Offerings Designed With Affordability, Customer Feedback in Mind


Minorities Disproportionately Rely Upon MA 

Recent survey data shows that the majority of eligible Black and Latino Medicare beneficiaries choose Medicare Advantage coverage1. Additionally, more than half of all Medicare Advantage beneficiaries have annual incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL), including an estimated 78% of Black and 81% of Latino Medicare Advantage beneficiaries2.


1.Better Medicare Alliance, “State of Medicare Advantage 2024 Report,” 2024. https://bettermedicarealliance.org/publication/state-of-medicare-advantage-2024/

2. Analysis by ATI Advisory; "Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries Spend Less on Health Care Premiums and Out-of-Pocket Costs than Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries," 2023. Figure 1. In 2020, the federal poverty level was $12,760 per year for a household of one and $17,240 for a household of two.

Keeping Costs Low

With more flexible coverage and plan design, and increased incentives to keep costs low and provide preventative care, the average annual spending by Medicare Advantage beneficiaries is $2,541 lower compared to those in fee-for-service Medicare1. Medicare Advantage plans are federally required to provide an out-of-pocket limit for services covered under Parts A and B, while traditional Medicare does not have out-of-pocket limits2. Additionally, 67% of enrollees pay $0 premium for their MA and Part D coverage3.


1. Analysis by ATI Advisory; “Medicare Beneficiary Spending 2024,” 2024. https://bettermedicarealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/BMA-Medicare-Beneficiary-Spending-2024-FIN.pdf

2. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Advantage in 2024: Premiums, Out-of-Pocket Limits, Supplemental Benefits, and Prior Authorization,” 2024. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-in-2024-premiums-out-of-pocket-limits-supplemental-benefits-and-prior-authorization/

3. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Advantage 2025 Spotlight: A First Look at Plan Premiums and Benefits,” 2024. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-2025-spotlight-a-first-look-at-plan-premiums-and-benefits/


Better Quality Care

Medicare Advantage beneficiaries as a whole have more complex medical conditions compared to fee-for-service Medicare. As a result of increased emphasis on the quality of care under Medicare Advantage, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries experienced 32.1% fewer inpatient admissions and 11.6% fewer ER visits than those in fee-for-service Medicare1. Medicare Advantage beneficiaries also have better outcomes for specific health conditions, such as prediabetes and diabetes, where Medicare Advantage patients were more likely to receive preventive care2.


1. Humana's 11th Value-Based Care Report, "Back to the Basics: A Patient's Pit Crew for Better Health," 2025. https://assets.humana.com/is/content/humana/2088482_CM-2024-VBC_Report_11x8.5pdf-1

2. Ibid

Making Drug Coverage Affordable

Nearly all Medicare Advantage plans offer prescription drug coverage with their plans and 98% of Medicare Advantage enrollees receive prescription drug coverage with their plans1. In 2024, the average monthly premium for Part D prescription drug coverage was $18.50. 

1. Better Medicare Alliance, “State of Medicare Advantage 2024 Report,” 2024. https://bettermedicarealliance.org/publication/state-of-medicare-advantage-2024/

Expanding Care in Rural Areas

According to CMS, roughly 61 million Americans who live in rural, tribal, and geographically isolated communities experience significant health inequities. Medicare Advantage plans are making health care more affordable than ever for seniors and others with Medicare in rural communities: The average monthly premium for an MA plan in 2023 is $171, a 17-year low, and 69% of beneficiaries with MA plans in rural areas are enrolled in $0 premium plans.2 Today, 40% of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries in rural counties are enrolled in an MA plan, four times the share in 2010.

1. CMS, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Programs to Remain Stable as CMS Implements Improvements to the Programs in 2025, September 2024. https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/medicare-advantage-and-medicare-prescription-drug-programs-remain-stable-cms-implements-improvements

2. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Advantage Enrollment, Plan Availability and Premiums in Rural Areas,” 2023  https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/medicare-advantage-enrollment-plan-availability-and-premiums-in-rural-areas/

3. CMS, https://www.cms.gov/blog/addressing-rural-health-inequities-medicare

Growing Consumer Choice

Their choices have also increased: Today, rural Medicare Advantage enrollees can choose from among 27 plans, on average—triple the number of plans available in 20181. Humana is committed to continuing to increase access to quality, affordable care in rural areas to support and enhance the lives of people who need it the most. In 2025, Humana will have Medicare Advantage plan offerings in 48 states, plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, covering 89% of U.S. counties2

1.Better Medicare Alliance, “State of Medicare Advantage 2024 Report,” 2024. https://bettermedicarealliance.org/publication/state-of-medicare-advantage-2024/

2.Humana, “Humana’s 2025 Medicare Advantage Plans Focus on Quality, Affordable Healthcare Tailored to the Needs of Consumers,” 2024. https://press.humana.com/news/news-details/2024/Humanas-2025-Medicare-Advantage-Plans-Focus-on-Quality-Affordable-Healthcare-Tailored-to-the-Needs-of-Consumers/default.aspx#gsc.tab=0