Carol A Harrington, APRN

CenterWell Truman

300 N. Osage St.,

Suite 200

Independence, MO 64050


Languages spoken


Board certifications

American Nurses Credentialing Center 2000

Carol Harrington, APRN, joined CenterWell as a board certified nurse practitioner. Ms. Harrington earned her post-graduate nurse practitioner degree after obtaining her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She received her BSN from the University of Missouri-Columbia. At CenterWell, Ms. Harrington values the multidisciplinary, holistic approach to senior-focused primary care. She aims to assist her patients in achieving their long-term goals, promoting healthy lifestyle choices, and addressing diabetes and weight management. She feels the optimal provider-patient connection starts with the patient as the team leader and the healthcare professional as the guide. Her commitment to patient satisfaction is evident through her practice of attentive listening to her patients' concerns and collaborating with them to ensure personalized care that aligns with their unique needs. Ms. Harrington chose healthcare out of a passion for helping people improve their lives, especially through disease prevention. During her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her family and friends, playing pickleball, and working in her yard with her two dogs by her side.

Provider numbers for agent use

  • DeVoted: 1124018437
  • Wellcare: 1629785613

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